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Why is the sun so active with solar flares lately?

A blogger I follow (who is not a Flat Earther) posted this EXCELLENT explanation as to what's happening with the sun and how it affects us as individuals.

SOLAR MAXIMUM? Even if you don't monitor solar flare activity, you may be familiar with the term "Solar Maximum" or have read about it happening in 2024. To explain: the Sun has cycles of activity that last about 11 years, on average (the shortest on record lasted nine years, the longest more than 13 years). Each cycle begins at Solar Minimum, when there are relatively few sunspots and usually only minor solar flares. Activity then reaches a peak about five or six years later, when the sunspot number is high and solar flares increase in both quantity and intensity.

The peak of each solar cycle is called Solar Maximum. After it occurs, sunspots and flare activity gradually diminish until Solar Minimum is reached, which is when that cycle ends and a new one begins.

Our current Solar Cycle (number 25) began at Solar Minimum in December 2019. Scientists first predicted that Solar Maximum would occur in July 2025, but the Sun has its own timeline! Based on current assessments, the forecast is now for the peak of Solar Cycle 25 to occur sometime this calendar year.

My reason for bringing this up is because of the intensity of solar activity we've seen since the first of May. THE PAST 11 DAYS WE'VE HAD 85 M-CLASS SOLAR FLARES [this does not include the lesser C-class flares that have also been shooting off] AND 11 X-CLASS ERUPTIONS [the 11th occurred this Mother's Day morning], one of which was the strongest flare of the current solar cycle. (X-class is the highest magnitude, M-class the next highest.) If we aren't yet at Solar Maximum, we're at least very close.

SOLAR FLARE EFFECTS: We experience some of the effects of a solar flare almost immediately, since the photonic energy of the eruption travels at the speed of light. A long-term study done by HeartMath Institute, published in the February 2018 issue of Scientific Reports, shows that strong solar flares can affect our autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS controls our breathing, heartbeat, and digestion. This is why those who are sensitive to the flares may experience heart palpitations, digestive upsets, and other symptoms. As with all energies, some people are more affected than others.

With some flares, a physical cloud of plasma and debris is released, called a coronal mass ejection (CME). That CME is carried away from the Sun's surface by the solar winds. If those winds are headed in Earth's direction, they can affect us in profound ways.

Depending on the speed of the solar wind, it takes 3-5 days for a CME to travel the distance from the Sun to Earth. When it arrives, the CME interacts with the Earth's magnetic field, causing geomagnetic storms and auroral displays in the higher latitudes. When multiple CMEs arrive at the same time ~ which is what has happened in the past few days ~ the geomagnetic storms strengthen in effect and auroras can be seen at much lower latitudes than usual.

Like solar flares, geomagnetic storms can cause physical symptoms, not only in humans but in animals as well. Published studies show that geostorms affect the brain's "coherence function values," our cardiovascular systems, and more.

A METAPHYSICAL PERSPECTIVE: In addition to the physical symptoms we may experience with solar flares and geomagnetic storms, our emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies are also affected. Each energy body has its own field, and these fields are impacted by the electromagnetic activity.

Researcher Oleg Shumilov studied solar cycles and found a connection between heightened geomagnetic activity and episodes of emotional reactivity. Other studies show a strong correlation between times of Solar Maximum and social unrest and rebellion. This is thought to be due to the impact of solar flares and geomagnetic activity on the electromagnetics of the human brain.

Heather Carlini, from the Carlini Institute for Therapy, Research, and Transpersonal Education, explains how photonic energy ~ the bright light seen at the time of a solar flare ~ works with us:

"Lower emotions are low-frequency energy stored in our cells from past experiences and traumas that we have encountered and never processed. Photon energy is a much higher frequency energy that pulls up the lower emotional frequency so it can calibrate to the higher frequency; thus we find ourselves releasing emotions such as sadness and grief without knowing why. The elements of our blueprint are interfaced in the cellular consciousness, and when the blueprint is amplified through photon energies, various elements of the blueprint leak into your consciousness and we begin to remember our soul’s purpose."

Our bodies must work overtime to assimilate the energies received from solar flares and geomagnetic storms, and they require extra water for this process. Electrolyte fluids are especially important, to help our cells, nerves, and muscles maintain functionality. Also advised during Solar Maximum: omega-3 oils (to assist mitochondria), B vitamins (to help the nervous system and brain function), Epsom salt baths (for physical pain), and essential oils such as lavender to calm and uplift the mood.

--Pam Younghans

NOTE: Pictures taken of auroras (or HAARP) above my house the evening of May 10.

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